The Short Guide to Collecting Roman Coins

Most collectors love ancient coins. There’s something special about being able to hold a coin that’s thousands of years old!

Of all ancient coins, it’s safe to say Roman coins are the most popular. And that’s exactly why we offer a great selection of Roman coins and rings in our store. Today we’ll go into a little more detail about what our most popular Roman coins and rings are really all about.

AE 1&2 Uncleaned Romain Coins (19-32mm Diameter)

AE 1&2 Uncleaned Romain Coins (19-32mm Diameter)

When you see “AE”, it’s identifying the Latin name of the metal. AE comes from the Latin “aes” and stands for bronze or brass. These late Roman coins are extremely rare, and the ones we sell range in size from 19-32mm. Buy them here.

Wearable Cleaned Ancient Roman Rings

Wearable Cleaned Ancient Roman Rings

The ancient Romans were known for their jewelry. Rings were fashionable for both women and men, and different rings often meant different things. Be it a gladiator, scholar, nobleman, or centurion — you can now own the ring of someone once in power. Most of our rings consist of bronze, but there are also some silver and copper ones you have a chance of receiving as well. Buy them here.

Uncleaned Byzantine Cup Coins

Uncleaned Byzantine Cup Coins

The theory behind the Byzantine Cup coins is tough to explain… there’s no clear reason as to why their coins were designed this way. This design dates back to the 11th century under Emperor Constantine IX. These coins are extremely unique in their shape and the way they often have interesting detail. We have both large and small coins. We sell them both in lots.

Emperor Constantine Cleaned & Slabbed Roman Coins

Emperor Constantine Cleaned & Slabbed Roman Coins

Speaking of Emperor Constantine, these coins date back to approximately 330 AD. This was around the tail end of Constantine’s building of a new imperial capital at Byzantium, which you may know as Constantinople. Constantine reigned until 337. These beautiful and rare coins come in coin holders, so you don’t even need to worry about buying cases. Buy them here.

Gary Dyner is the owner of Great American Coin Company. Connect with him on Google+.

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