The Royal Canadian Mint – History & Facts

If you’re an American coin collector, you’re probably very familiar with The United States Mint. And if you’re not, the basis of what they do is pretty simple. They manufacture all of the coins currently in circulation in the U.S., as well as Mint commemorative coins, and US Mint bullion coins. Canada is very similar, and their manufacturing process is done through the Royal Canadian Mint. Here’s a little bit about it.

What It Looks Like

Canadian Mint 1

The U.S. Mint is an impressive looking building. There’s no denying that. But the fact is it looks like many other buildings you could find downtown in any large American city. The Royal Canadian Mint is much more impressive looking. It’s medieval and gothic inspired with a square central tower — complete with turrets, gatehouses, and more.


The Royal Canadian Mint is not as old as you may think. The first coin was struck in 1908. So what did Canada do for coinage before then? They had their coins struck at the Royal Mint in London.

In 1969, the Royal Canadian Mint started operating as a profitable business. And boy does it profit. In 2013, they reported bringing in $3.4 billion in revenue, and $48 million in profits (before taxes).

In 1976, Canada opened the Winnipeg production facility, seen below. As an impressive building in it’s own right, this is where the Canadian coins are now produced, as well as for 60 other countries.

Ever heard of a “Loonie”? It’s Canada’s one-dollar coin, and it didn’t come about until 1987.

Canadian Mint 2


The Royal Canadian Mint has produced an array of fascinating coins, including the Dinosaur – Coloured Glow-in-the-dark coin, a Year of the Snake coin, Toronto Maple Leafs coins, and many more. At Great American Coin Company, we offer highly sought-after silver and gold Canadian Maple Leaf coins you may be interested in. You can

The Canadian Maple Leaf in Troy Ounce .9999 Silver
On one side of the silver Canadian maple leaf sits the profile of Queen Elizabeth II, on the other side a maple leaf. Across the bottom of every coin reads “Fine Silver 1 oz Argent Pur”.

The Canadian Maple Leaf in Troy Ounce .9999 Gold
Just like the silver coin, Queen Elizabeth II is on one side, and the Canadian maple leaf is on the other. These gold Canadian maple leaf coins can be ordered with different amounts of gold in them, thus the writing on the bottom of every coin might be different.

Gary Dyner is the owner of Great American Coin Company. Connect with him on Google+.

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