The use of imprinted coins as currency emerged independently in China, India, and the Mediterranean between 700 and 500 BC. Called “money of authority,” the earliest known stamped western coins began spreading throughout the Greek territories in Asia Minor into modern Greece and Italy in the 5th and 6th centuries BC. As empires rose and fell over the centuries, their governments tended to issue coins reflective of their rulers and societies.
The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Kurus
Anatolian Turks joined with dissidents in the Byzantine Empire in the early 14th century AD to form an Islamic state that became the Ottoman Empire. At its largest extent, the Empire extended from today’s Middle East well into Central Europe, Russia, and along the North African coast.
Such a widespread empire needed its own currency to facilitate trade, so the silver Ottoman kurus was introduced in 1688. Originally set at par with the Spanish dollar, a series of devaluations resulted in smaller and smaller coins, ultimately consisting of just a few grams. The Ottoman Empire was dissolved in 1922 after aligning with the losing side in World War I, and modern-day Turkey was formed from its ashes.
Genuine Silver Islamic Coins from the Turkish Ottoman Empire
Many millions of coins were minted in the Ottoman Empire’s glory days, and the Great American Coin company is pleased to offer genuine uncleaned silver Islamic coins from the Turkish Ottoman Empire. These coins range in size from much smaller than a dime to about the size of nickel. They carry inscriptions in Arabic and geometric designs typical of Islamic art. All show at least some detail, others may have significantly more. The coins may be punched or holed, as was customary during times when coins were strung together for convenience. All Islamic silver coins offered for sale are chosen at random.
These silver Ottoman Empire coins offer a glimpse into history, make great gifts and novelty items, and are perfect entry-level coins for beginning silver collector. Grab yours today!